Saturday 5 March 2016

44 Church Growth Principles that are Real and Work!

44 Church Growth Principles that are Real and Work!
Do you desire to have your church grow?

We all desire to have our churches growing. If not, there is something wrong. Your call and profession might need a review. Growing a church is Biblical, and an imperative from our Lord. However, we also need to discover what it means to "grow a church." Most people consider numerical growth, and for good reasons. Numbers means success most of the time, and the more you have the more to whom you are ministering. Nevertheless, is that the main reason for growth? Well, see for yourself. Carefully read Matthew 28:18-20.
To use these Growth Principles suggestions, ask yourself, your leadership team, and your people this one question, "What Does a Healthy Church Look like?" Then listen for the feedback. Go though each of these suggestions, find out where you and your church are, and what will it take to implement the suggestions. For further help, read Preparing the Pastor and Church Leadership to Grow! and, A Primer on How to Lead and Manage the Church.
Forty-four Proven and Effective Biblical Church Growth Principles that Work!
Ideas to consider: (Romans 12:18; 14:18-19; Ephesians 4:3; Hebrews 12:14)
1.The number one reason for church growth is the preaching ability of the pastor. (Luke 3:1-7)
2.The number one reason why people stop coming to your church is conflict and gossip! (James 3:5-6)
3.The number two reason that people leave a church is poor "people skills" of the pastor and/or leadership, because they do not manage the conflicts and gossip! These poor "people skills" will cause the majority of conflicts between that pastor and the people. (Matthew 5:9)
4.The Bible must be taught in such a way that it is real and can be applied to the lives and situations of the people. You are to equip and disciple people, not just in the basics of the faith, but also in how to be Christians in their families, work, and relationships. They must be taught how to be effective Christians, and how to live their lives to His glory! (Psalm 119:9-12)
5.Preach holiness, how to worship, how to deal with sin, how to relate to one another, and how to love one another, while modeling it yourself! Evangelism, stewardship, and discipleship come out of these! As people are transformed, they can be taught and motivated. (Jeremiah 33:6; Romans 7:12; Galatians 3)

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