Monday 28 December 2015


“Is anyone among you afflicted?  He should pray.”  James 5:13
If you are in trouble, you need to pray.  That’s what the Word of God says.  Notice it didn’t say your pastor needs to pray for you or your friends need to pray for you.  It says, YOU need to pray.
Too often we try to find a quick fix to our problems by asking everyone else to pray for us.  There’s nothing wrong with having others pray for you, but you will never get your life to a place of permanent victory until you begin to pray yourself.
The biggest church in the world is in Seoul, Korea.  It has more than 700,000 members and the pastor was asked how the church got so large.  According to Dr. Cho, the key is prayer.  Not just his prayers, but the prayers of his people. Praying is a way of life in that church.  They have a place called Prayer Mountain where thousands of people come every day to pray.  When the church members are in trouble, before they do anything else, the church members are told to go and fast and pray for 24 hours.
We need to quit running around asking others to pray for us and learn to do our own praying.   If I pray for God to solve one problem for you, you may enjoy success for a while, but then another problem will come along because you’ll still be making the same old mistakes that got you in trouble in the first place.  But if you do that praying for yourself, if you discipline yourself to start searching out the things of the Spirit, you’ll get permanent answers and you will learn to make adjustments in your life that will keep those problems from cropping up again.
If you have made Jesus your Lord, you have access to the throne of Almighty God.  He has every solution to every problem you will ever have and He’s just waiting for you to come to Him, so He can give you the answer.  It may take some private time alone with Him for you to hear, but He will never disappoint you.  Don’t depend on others to do your praying for you.  Go personally to the throne of God and obtain mercy today.

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